Saturday, April 30, 2011

I don't remember getting paid to be a model...

So, I was going through my craft/gift/catch all stuff tonight and found some stickers that I bought a long time ago.  They were probably for one of the projects I thought I would do and never did.  I'm sure I bought them thinking I would make something crafty/scrapbooky (is that a word?) and never did.  I tend to do that.  Anyways, I was going through my stickers looking for some I can use for some coasters I'm going to make for my cousins wedding in two weeks and found some stickers about friends.  You know the ones... "best friends this" or "friends do that."  They are all cute and I'm sure I had good intentions of using them at some point.  Well, needless to say, they are still in the package.  Well, there was one package in particular that once I saw it I knew exactly why I bought it.  There was a drawing/cartoon of three girls on it and this picture reminds me of just about every picture I have ever taken with Cristina aka Mexican and ReRe aka Black girl.  There haven't been any pictures like this lately, but if we were to take one tomorrow, this is what it would look like.  The only thing is I don't remember letting some random person use our pictures as inspiration...and I definitely don't remember getting paid for it. 

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